The Lit Club by Hannah Eko
In the Weeds
Episode Fifteen: Survival of the Chillest

Episode Fifteen: Survival of the Chillest

How I got on TV for the first time, being nice to your nervous system, #softgirllife, and the beauty of ease

Hey there,

Whew friends. It’s been some time. I missed your ever listening ears.

So, I’m the midst of the final revision of Honey is the Knife. I know, I know. I’ve said “final” before, but you know how these things are. Plus, you know how us vision-Aries are ;) Sometimes art takes way, way more time than we wanted. Patience seems to be the lesson of my life lol.

But what sense does it make to rush a book which premise is centered in, um not rushing?

So, I hoped you enjoyed the last episode Built 4 Comfort. It’s all about my love-hate relationship to running and taking my time.

And to continue this theme of slow magic…

Here’s Episode 15 of In the Weeds: Survival of the Chillest

In the Weeds is stories where I allow myself to wander into the weeds and linger at dandelions like a good spiritual stoner. I also drop cannabis and book recommendations. I also dialogue with the open-minded, the smart, the kind, and the quirky. I adore good conversationalists. If you’re a writer, artist, healer, or creative or just love to go into the weeds—email me at Listen, sometimes writing online feels like dropping emeralds into the void. If you’re a reasonably sane, kind, smart human being who wants to share space or offer some support, email away.

This episode is all about how annoying (but amazing) it feels to receive blessings the easy way even though our stubborn inborn tendencies and existential family trauma is more comfortable with making easy blessings hard.


Wishing you a happy weekend.



PS: If you’re looking to start writing your book with more chill, kindness, and even some sexiness, click here. We’ll talk and see if what I have to offer is what you need and you’ll feel way more clear about what you need as a writer afterwards.

Also, I host an intimate monthly writing workshop & event series for lovers of words and weed. We smoke and we write and we make magic :) Writing, Weed & Wine meets online every first Saturday. Nothing to bring but papers, pen, and your wild imagination. RSVP below.

Smoking and Writing the Good Stuff

The Lit Club by Hannah Eko
In the Weeds
In the Weeds, a podcast dedicated to deep conversations that linger in the wild places and the power of story. I also include cannabis and book recommendations, guest interviews, and other eclectic fare from time to time.